Saturday 25 November 2017

The Best Gifts for Everyone on Your List

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Real Simple
Dear Real Simple Reader,

Congrats—you just pulled off a major Thanksgiving feast. And while you're probably tempted to put your feet up, those holiday wish lists are looming, the tree needs to be trimmed, and there are more parties to be planned. But don't stress: We're here to help you pull it all off so easily that you'll still have plenty of time to kick back with some hot cocoa and watch the best Christmas movies.

Our editors have been combing the racks and scouring the Internet since early this summer to find the best gifts out there. Generic gifts need not apply. We're interested in the truly original—the things your loved one has never seen before, but will wonder how they ever did without. We've amassed an exhaustive array of editor-approved products to suit all of your gift-giving needs—even those hard-to-buy-for dads and finicky friends will be covered. There are hundreds of picks under $25, too—perfect for stocking stuffers or a White Elephant gift exchange. You may even come across a few unique gifts to put on your own winter wish list. Don't be shy—we've already done the same thing ourselves.

— The Real Simple editors

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