Saturday 24 February 2018

13 Ways to Make Your House Stay Clean Longer

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Real Simple
13 Ways to Make Your House Stay Clean Longer

Dear Real Simple Reader,

One day, we hope to be able to share the (as-yet-undiscovered) secret for keeping your house perfectly spotless at all times, without lifting a finger. Until then, we will assume that just like us, you have better things to do than run after family members (of the two- and four-legged variety) with a microfiber cloth, catching spills, crumbs, and grime in real time. That's why we've compiled our best 13 Ways to Make Your House Stay Clean Longer, filled with real-world tips and hacks on how to keep things at maximum tidy with minimum effort.

Some of these ideas are tool-based—a stick vacuum seems a worthy investment, as does a mesh laundry bag for each family member. Others are design ideas with a stay-clean function, such as layering area rugs over the carpet for easier cleaning. Give them a read, use them to streamline your routine, and enjoy a little extra downtime. We're also here to help with your everyday tidy-up routine, too. Print out and save our daily quick cleaning checklist, and stock up on the products professional cleaners can't live without. (And if you do discover the secret to keeping things spotless 24/7, be sure to let us know!)


— The Real Simple editors

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