Saturday 16 June 2018

10 Luxuries Under $10 You Can Order on Amazon

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Real Simple
10 Luxuries Under $10 You Can ORder on Amazon

Dear Real Simple Reader,

When was the last time you treated yourself? We're not talking a trip to Greece, or a designer handbag (though of course you deserve those, too)—but a little everyday luxury that will brighten your week. We found 10 Little Luxuries Under $10 You Can Order on Amazon, so you don't even have to make a special trip to the store for a quick pick-me-up. No matter what your pleasure—fresh-smelling laundry, gourmet chocolate, or a facial massage—there's a little luxury with your name on it. In fact, try one this week, and one the next—and so on till you've tried them all. After all, you deserve it.

— The Real Simple editors

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