Saturday 13 January 2018

The Surprising Factor That Prevents Weight Loss

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Real Simple
The Surprising Factor That Prevents Weight Loss

Dear Real Simple Reader,

It's a brand new year, and chances are you're working on your 2018 resolutions. Don't worry, we are too and we're here to help you keep them. (And if you weren't able to keep them halfway through January, there's no shame in that!)

When it comes to popular resolutions, a vow to eat healthier usually tops the list. Did you know there might be something stopping you from shedding a few pounds? Not all fruits and vegetables have the same nutritional value, so keep that in mind when you're grocery shopping. If you're looking to cut back on fats and sweets this year, meal prepping might be on your to-do list. Our Food Director compiled a list of her best tricks for faster meal prep so you can actually enjoy your Sundays. And we've got a variety of healthy recipes so you can say goodbye to your boring desk salad or non-filling dinner—including breakfast smoothies, mason jar lunches, nutrient-packed soups, and the easiest dinner dishes ever.

If you promised to hit the gym more in 2018, we've also got you covered. It can be tough to start a workout routine when you haven't worked out since, say, October, so we've mapped out a plan that promises a (somewhat) easy transition back. For those who don't have a gym membership, try these six exercises you can do at home, or body weight moves you can do just about anywhere (yes, even the office!).

— The Real Simple editors

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