Saturday 21 April 2018

10 Brilliant Spring Cleaning Shortcuts

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Real Simple
Spring Cleaning Shortcuts

Dear Real Simple Reader,

Spring is filled with so much—gardening and biking and hiking and kids' sports and day trips and vacations and dog walks…and don't forget spring cleaning. While spring cleaning may be the least fun activity on that list, the payoff of a top-to-bottom, whole-house clean is irresistible. That's why we think our Spring Cleaning Shortcuts are so brilliant: These tips aim straight for the dirty corners and grimy spots in your home, with genius expert hacks to clean them thoroughly and fast. No lampshade, mattress, or range hood is left behind.

Once you check that spring to-do off your list, you can get busy enjoying all the other fun events and adventures of this season of renewal.

— The Real Simple editors

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