Saturday 28 April 2018

10 Organizing Mistakes You Are Making

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Real Simple
10 Organizing Mistakes You May Be Making

Dear Real Simple Reader,

It's easy to get caught up in the thrill of organizing a space. The impulse is to rush to the store and buy bins, baskets, hooks, and hangers—then come home and magically put everything in its place . But what if we told you there is an even easier way to organize any space in your home? That in fact, getting ahead of yourself with too many containers, labels, and other trappings of an "organized" space could be making things harder on you? See which of these 10 Organizing Mistakes You May Be Making, and get the expert fixes for each one of them. These smart organizational strategies and hacks will help you find the right place for everything—fast, efficiently, and without blowing your budget on gear you don't need. Sounds kind of thrilling, no?

— The Real Simple editors

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