Saturday 12 May 2018

10 Genius Ways to Double Closet Space

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Real Simple
10 Genius Ways to Double Closet Space

Dear Real Simple Reader,

Raise your hand if you're completely satisfied with your closet space. Yeah, same. It seems like no matter how much space we have for clothes, shoes, handbags, scarves and accessories—and no matter how much we try to get rid of items we never wear anymore—there's never enough space for all our stuff. Until now. We peeked inside the closets of organizing experts to see how they streamline their jewelry, store their off-season clothes, and fit more hangers onto the rod (hint: it's all in the way you hang your pants!). That's how we came up with 10 Genius Ways to Double Your Closet Space and Get Ready Faster. These clever solutions take advantage of every square inch of space in your closet, so you can keep things organized and easily visible—which will make it that much easier to get dressed every morning. Totally satisfying.

— The Real Simple editors

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