Saturday 5 May 2018

18 Clever Items to Simplify Your Life

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Real Simple
18 Clever Items to Simplify Your Life

Dear Real Simple Reader,

We get a lot of gadgets here at the office—but it's always easy to spot the ones that stand out: A reusable lint roller that picks up everything, a clothes steamer that fits in your suitcase, a little rubber thingamajig that cleans your makeup brushes fast and efficiently (and kinda makes it fun). We totally play favorites—if we think it will save you time, money, sanity (or preferably, all three!), we want you to know about it, asap. Our list of 18 Clever Items to Simplify Your Life is filled with items we just can't live without—and we have a feeling you'll feel the same way.

— The Real Simple editors

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