Saturday 26 May 2018

10 Things You Should Never Refrigerate

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Real Simple
10 Things You Shoulder Never Refrigerate

Dear Real Simple Reader,

As the weather (finally) gets warmer in many parts of the country, foods and condiments we might normally have left out at room temperature are often whisked into the fridge to stay cool. A good idea in theory—until your refrigerator is so packed you can't see anything, and those tomatoes you chilled taste mealy and disappointing. We created this cheat sheet of what really needs refrigerating to help you decide definitively what to chill and what to leave at room temperature. And we don't just cover food—we've even included the scoop on household items like batteries and nail polish. So next time your grandmother tells you to get that garlic in the crisper, quick, you can let her know it can happily sit out and still stay fresh.

— The Real Simple editors

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