Saturday 17 March 2018

10 Brilliant Ways to Maximize Your Kitchen Storage

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Real Simple
Shop The Issue: March

Dear Real Simple Reader,

Can a kitchen ever be big enough? Most days, it doesn't seem like it. Even if you have a big pantry, you might wish for more drawer space. Or you have a kitchen island, but really need more cabinets. Or countertops. Or shelves for cookbooks. The good news is, you don't need to call a contractor. Instead, check out these 10 Brilliant Ways to Maximize Your Kitchen Storage . These creative, real-world tips from experts miraculously help you find more room under the sink, more shelves (without calling the cabinet maker), even more storage where you least expect it (hint: look down). If you need more help getting your pantry streamlined, we also have suggestions for helpful products that won't break the bank (they're all under $20!)

With one, a few, or all of these ideas in place, you might just decide your kitchen is just the right size. And as an added bonus, it will also appear less cluttered, more inviting—and more reflective of its position as the heart of your home. When you're done getting your kitchen in order, you can focus on what the space is there for—cooking meals for your family and friends (hello, sheet pan dinners).

— The Real Simple editors

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