Saturday 10 March 2018

Our Best Organizing Tricks of All Time

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Real Simple
Our Best Organizing Tricks of All Time

Dear Real Simple Reader,

Little signs of spring are all around us—in crocus buds bursting through the dirt, brilliantly sunny skies, and yes, even the onslaught of Easter candy at the supermarket. We don't know about you, but when spring rolls around, we get the itch to organize everything. If you're on an organizing kick too, check out Our Best Organizing Tricks of All Time.

We've compiled all our best advice—learned from experts and readers—in one spot. Getting started is easy: Pick a room or clutter spot in your home, then find the tip that will help streamline it. Cabinets overstuffed with boxes, bags, and plastic storage containers filled with food? Relocate everything to uniform storage containers for more space and easier access to pantry items. Closets overflowing with clothes that no longer fit? Designate a donation box then start sorting.

These organizing tips will help you make fast work of clearing out your home for spring—and leave you more time to look for welcome signs of the coming season.

— The Real Simple editors

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