Saturday 24 March 2018

Our 10 Best Time-Saving Tips for Busy Days

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Real Simple
Our Best Time-Saving Tips for Busy Days

Dear Real Simple Reader,

How often have you wished for an extra hour in the day? If you're anything like us, it's a thought that pops up daily at least. While our editors haven't yet figured out how to create 25-hour days, we have done the next best thing: created a round-the-clock list of our best time-saving tips for busy days. From a.m. outfit decisions through to lunch, from quick home clean-ups to bedtime, these tips and hacks will help you streamline your routine from morning till night, so you can get more done in less time—and with less stress.

Now all you have to do is decide what to do with your newfound free time. Maybe you can whip up a spring pasta recipe for dinner tonight, or pick up a new book to read on the couch?

— The Real Simple editors

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